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Spring 2015 Newsletter

 Spring 2015

No Way!A “Faith Map” Milestone!

If you visit our BiblePop.com website today, you’ll notice a new green tab to the left of the main screen.  If you click it, you’ll immediately be led to two columns labeled “What I Need to Do” & “What I Need to Know”, which together contain around 80 video titles.  We’re excited to announce with this newsletter that these two columns now essentially comprise an entire “online video catechism” for the masses!  A catechism is a full summary of the essential beliefs & practices of the Christian faith.  Offering a video version of this idea online – in “tasty bite-size pieces” (per our vision statement) – is definitely an idea whose time has come!  Leading researcher George Barna recently stated that “the Christian body in America is immersed in a crisis of biblical illiteracy.” (See http://magazine.biola.edu/article/14-spring/the-crisis-of-biblical-illiteracy/).  More specifically, those who today claim to be “Born Again Christians” have actually internalized precious little about what their faith calls on them to know and to do.  Dominic has been burdened by this fact since authors began sounding the alarm back in his Bible School days.  That’s why he did his Master’s Degree thesis on “The Concept of Catechism & the History of The Church.”  And that’s why one of Dominic’s BiblePop goals has long been to eventually create a “Catechism in the Sky” – using the Internet – to help re-communicate in a storytelling & word-picture style, the foundational core beliefs & practices of the Christian faith.  The topics to be covered have long been mapped out, and he and Jim Ackert have been working step by step toward completing that “map” while doing other projects.  Now, as of this past month, that “Faith Map” is complete and ready for prime time!  To God be the glory!  “When the enemy comes in like a flood, God always raises up a standard against it” (Isaiah 59:19).  Thank you for helping BiblePop to be a part of God’s raised up Internet standard!


Michigan Map

One Family at a Time

The bi-line on our website home page reads “Family-Time Faith Made Easy for the World!”  But when we receive feedback like this, we are reminded that the ministry you are helping us to provide is also happening right in our own back yard (Livonia being the location of the church where Dominic is Pastor):

“Biblepop is awesome, and has been a huge blessing in our home!  I have two sons, ages 3 years and 18 months, and they both love Biblepop!  We have the Officer Do-Good DVD, which I highly recommend.  It is wonderfully done.  The songs are catchy and cute, the cartoons and the kids are funny, and the message is always meaningful.  It is most definitely one of the most watched DVD’s in our home!  My older son loves to imitate the characters that are portrayed, and when we read a corresponding Bible story like Jonah later in the day, he remembers the cartoon and song he watched on the DVD.  My older son also loves to watch the short Bible “Pops” from your website, as part of his bedtime routine :)  They are all family friendly and everyone can watch!  Thanks for everything that you do for us through the Biblepop ministry.  You certainly have a gift.

The Hung Family of Livonia, MI

Visits April 2015
Biblepop.com website visits two most recent days in April 2015

ACT Webpage

A Match Made in Heaven

Spring 2015 also marks the 10 year anniversary of Dominic’s association with Artists in Christian Testimony, International (ACT), the Nashville-based missionary organization under whose auspices BiblePop.com operates (https://actinternational.org/). What started out as a way to establish a Storytelling Institute based on principles laid out in Dominic’s “Storytelling Evangelism” manuscript (see the BiblePop homepage) – and a donations-conduit through which four mission trips to Nicaragua were funded – eventually became “BiblePop.com”, officially launched under ACT in 2011.  To quote the info page regarding a recent Chicago gathering led by ACT President Dr. Byron Spradlin:

A.C.T. Intl is a Ministry to and for artistic & innovative ministries and missionaries doing Christian work around the world.  A.C.T. Intl exists to address three serious challenges facing the Church today:

- First, today's culture listens better to artists than to preachers.

- Second, the Church has not always adequately understood and embraced artistic people, strategies and methods. As a result, there are few places that integrate innovative and artistic ministry people and projects.

- Third, the Church is losing the assets of some of God's most powerful and effective servants.

Byron says, "We are providing artists and innovators the coaching, accountability, organization, non-profit status, validation and administrative systems they need to move forward in ministry. And in the process we are helping the Church embrace artists and the arts for Christ's work worldwide. We are the largest ministry in the world focusing on this task." 

Talk about a match made in heaven!  Dominic could not be happier about this BiblePop/ACT partnership.  Please pray with us for Byron, the entire ministry of ACT, and the important work being done by its artistic missionaries around the world.  Pray also that God will continue to enable BiblePop to penetrate the Muslim and Hindu areas of the world via the Internet, and through the other indigenous ministries that are currently re-broadcasting our videos, or desire to do so.  Thank you so much for your prayers and your financial support!